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Events and Announcements

Shalom, AmHa USA Members and Friends of AmHa USA and kindred primitive Hebrews

10/01/2023 MARZEACH (Remembering and Honoring the Ancestors) was conducted online, in Zoom, and honored Eli Sheva by the AmHa USA Council. You can view the recording and meet three of the four AmHa USA Council members here.


(Details of 2023 events have been deleted to make room for bi-monthly 2024 events. Please stay tuned here)



                                                              2024 EVENTS and ANNOUNCEMENTS


1/11/24 ROSH CHODESH (New Moon Ritual, online in Zoom, Thursday, 7 PM) We are choosing to schedule the Rosh Chodesh ritual on the actual New Moon event to participate as fully as possible in the richness of each full Moon. Preparations and participation requirements will be described in a personal email to you as part of your personal Zoom Room invitation. We hope you can join us and share the wealth of our community through a virtual gathering.


1/25/24 MONTHLY AmHa USA FORUM (Open and casual discussion about AmHa USA, Zoom, 7 PM EDT.) This will be a place to casually meet, enjoy food, talk about AmHa USA origins, principles, practices, and ethics, share ideas and outlooks, and discuss AmHA USA beliefs, Primitive Hebrew spirituality, and community building. Let us know through the Contact Form on this website if you would like to participate, and we will send you a personal Zoom Room invitation.  

A few topics of possible interest are:  

  1. What do we share in common with each other in terms of outlook and orientation?

  2. Where do we differ in outlook and orientation, and how does that enrich each of us?

  3. How can we enrich our outlooks by learning more about each other's perspectives and outlooks?

  4. What topics and discussions would help support and enrich your life and your outlook and orientation?


2/08/24 ROSH CHODESH ADAR I (New Moon Ritual, online in Zoom, Thursday, 7 PM EST/USA) We are scheduling this Rosh Chodesh ritual the night before the New Moon. We hope you can join us and share the wealth of our community through a virtual gathering. Please let us know by email, the Contact Form, or the Chat Window here on the website if you can attend so we can get you the Zoom Room invitation, the preparation, and participation directions.


3/11/24 ROSH CHODESH ADAR II (New Moon Ritual, online in Zoom, Monday, 7 PM EDT/USA) We are scheduling this Rosh Chodesh ritual the night after this New Moon. This month we have a speical addition to our AmHa USA Rosh Chodesh celebration.  One of our regular participants, Andrine de la Rocha, will be our guest presenter for this Rosh Chodesh. She will present the Rosh Chodesh celebration ritual she has crafted for her own online community. 


Come join us and share in the wealth of our community through a virtual gathering and welcome. Please let us know by email, the Contact Form, or the Chat Window here on the website if you can attend so we can send you the Zoom Room invitation, preparation instructions, and participation directions.


3/18/24 Mi Shebeirach request:  The sister of a long-time and dear AmHa USA community member was recently diagnosed with a grave life-threatening illness. Please join us in praying for her sister in this way, individually or in your community’s Mi Shebeirach prayers. The gravely ill woman’s Hebrew name is Yocheved Chana bat Shoshana G’ulah.


4/09/24 ROSH CHODESH NSSAN (New Moon Ritual, online in Zoom, Tuesday, 7 PM, EDT). We are scheduling the Rosh Chodesh ritual after the New Moon event this time so we do not interfere with people's total solar eclipse observation on the actual Rosh Chodesh Nissan on April 8th. Preparations and participation requirements will be described in a personal email as part of your Zoom Room invitation. We hope you can join us and share the wealth of our community through a virtual gathering. We will have an open discussion following our ritual celebration. We look forward to being with you again on this New Moon of the New Year.


5/08/24 ROSH CHODESH IYAR: (Ritual, in Zoom, Wed., 7 PM, EDT).  

This observance will be on the day following the actual new moon but still in its influence. This month, we celebrate and honor Earth’s blossoming, the blessings of healing, and the strength of coming into balance. We hope you can join us on Wednesday for our online ritual and community chat that follows. Shalom for your inner being and your outer life.


UPDATES: OF MONTHLY ROSH CHODESH RITUALS: â€‹Here are the dates of our subsequent New Moon celebrations and their primary themes.  We invite you to put them on your calendar now so you don't miss any of them.

    8/7/24 Rosh Chodesh Av - Explore your grief and listen to your Inner Self in the process.

    9/5/24 Rosh Chodesh Elul - Returning to our meditative practice and returning to the present moment.

  10/3/24 Rosh Chodesh Tishrei - Honoring and reflecting on our past and our future.

  11/4/24 Rosh Chodesh Heshvan - Season of planning as we begin again to grow the roots of our origins and community

  12/2/24 Rosh Chodesh Kislev - Diving deeply into the darkness of the most difficult questions and still finding the Light.


​SEMITIC NEOPAGANISM DISCUSSION GROUP: Starts Wednesday, 6/26, 7 PM US EDT as an ongoing monthly closed Zoom Meeting Room discussion group every fourth Wednesday evening. 


We will unpack the roots, origins, and transformation of our early pre-scripture, pre-rabbinical, polytheistic, Goddess Worship tribal ancestors as they stood apart from the more formalized and structured spiritual following which became the monotheistic Jewish religion after the Babylonian captivity.  One focus of this presentation and discussion series is to help participants who are interested in adopted membership in AmHa USA prepare by learning the material in the recommended reading list required for adopted membership.


An adopted membership application is not required; it is your personal choice after you choose to participate. However, commitment to and participation in the group are required for continued inclusion. A Friends of AmHa USA annual membership of $35 is warmly and gratefully requested but not required. We hope you will join us for an engaging, stimulating, and enjoyable discussion group.


AmHa USA Council




Other rituals and announcements will be posted here as scheduled or occur. Please check back here on the events page occasionally and keep in touch with us through the Contacts Page or the online chat window at the bottom right corner of each page. 

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