Traditionally, AmHa is led by an elected Shophet. (NOT a priest/ess!) The English Bible translation of this word is "Judge," a misnomer since the Hebrew term denoted the Tribal Battle Chief and Seer.
Today – as in ancient Israel, Shophet serves the Tribes as AmHa Leader and Seer. They are chosen because they have the respect and trust of the majority of AmHa to serve the community with integrity and competency. The AmHa Shophet is elected for life by majority vote but serves at the pleasure of AmHa and only with majority consensus. They are flanked by two assistants, known as Mishneh, who are usually not next in line for the position but serve to keep the Shophet "honest." In keeping with Tribal and Biblical Tradition, AmHa Shophet can be of either sex.
The recently deceased Shophet of AmHa USA (1/1/2023) was Eli Sheva. She served in the Israeli security forces with great distinction, retired, led an international business, retired, and was an organizational consultant and psychotherapist in private practice.
Eli's departure instructions two days before she left this world were that "... there is NO Heir apparent" and "The group will make all decisions (in AMHA USA)." So, AmHa USA's close-in members and deep friends of Eli will continue to hold and support the heart and soul of what Eli created and taught within AmHa USA by functioning as the AmHa USA Council.